Museum “Kolomna patefon” will introduce you to the history of sound recording and sound reproduction, as well as tell you about the legendary Kolomna gramophone, which gained all-Union fame. The museum collection contains a large number of exhibits.
The Kolomna Gramophone Museum began its activities on May 1, 2017, this date was not chosen by chance, because it was on May 1, 1934 that the assembly of the first ten Kolomna gramophones was completed in the mechanical repair and tool shops of the portable gramophone plant.
The museum is located on the main tourist street in the city of Kolomna, on Lazhechnikov street.
The entrance to the museum is from the courtyard. On the ground floor: museum reception, souvenir shop, toilets; on the second floor: museum exposition, listening room.
The museum collection contains a large number of exhibits:
- Kolomna gramophones;
- music boxes on metal discs;
- Edison phonographs;
- phonographs of the Pathé brothers;
- various models of gramophones, etc.
Read more on the website:
Kolomna patefon