You are enjoying your rest and admiring the distances beyond Moscow, standing on the Cathedral Square of the Kolomna Kremlin, near the monument to St. Cyril and Methodius… Lower your gaze to the modest street of Dmitry Donskoy! The true treasure of this street is the unique Tram Museum, the only one in the country! Kolomna did not accidentally become the place of foundation of this unique museum. It was here, at the Kolomna Plant, that the first domestic electric tram car was built in 1891. Kolomna is the only city in the Moscow region where a dynamically developing tram enterprise has been operating steadily for almost 70 years! All this with good reason gives the right to call Kolomna the Motherland of the Russian tram! And, having arrived here, it is impossible not to visit the Tram Museum! The world around us is much bigger than we sometimes think! Our old friend the tram, whose life had its ups and downs, successes and failures, is now experiencing its own renaissance. It is recognized as the most convenient, reliable and environmentally friendly type of urban transport. On a one-hour tour of the Tram Museum, you will rediscover this city regular. The museum’s collection, which now features almost 200 models of tram cars, will tell about old and modern trams from all continents, as well as the islands of Japan and Great Britain.
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Tram Museum