Trip Kolomna


Коломенский кремль

Kolomna Kremlin

Despite the fact that only two walls of the powerful fortress with many towers are now left, Kolomna is incredibly proud of its Kremlin. And not without reason: during the

Музей Калачная

“Kalach” museum

One of the most “appetizing” museums in Kolomna is “Kalach” museum. Here, within the walls of an architectural monument of the mid-19th century, in a two-hearth kalach oven, magic happens

Коломенский Посад

Kolomna Posad

A noticeable part of the old Kolomna – Posad – begins immediately outside the walls of the Kremlin. Before heading out to explore all sorts of popular museums, take a

Соборная площадь

Cathedral square

The panorama of Cathedral Square includes the five-domed Assumption Cathedral (the original building of which was built in 1382 in memory of the victories of Russian soldiers on the Vozha

Маринкина башня

Marinka’s Tower

The Marinka’s Tower covered with legends will give you an unforgettable view of Kolomna. The most legendary tower of the Kolomna Kremlin is Marinka’s, which got its name because the

Музей "Коломенская пастила"

“Kolomna pastila” museum

The museum “Kolomna pastila” reverently revives the lost tastes of the popular delicacy, and with it the forgotten aromas and tastes of Russian history. Within the walls of the wing

Музей "Коломенский патефон"

“Kolomna patefon” museum

Museum “Kolomna patefon” will introduce you to the history of sound recording and sound reproduction, as well as tell you about the legendary Kolomna gramophone, which gained all-Union fame. The

Музей "Кузнечная слобода"

“Blacksmith settlement” museum

The Blacksmith’s Settlement Private Museum of Blacksmithing and Folk Crafts was opened on February 13, 2010 in Kolomna. The exposition of the museum consists of forged (mainly), cast and wooden

Музей трамваев

Kolomna Tram Museum

You are enjoying your rest and admiring the distances beyond Moscow, standing on the Cathedral Square of the Kolomna Kremlin, near the monument to St. Cyril and Methodius… Lower your

Музейная фабрика пастилы

Museum Pastila Factory

The Museum Pastila Factory is a place where open-air pastila production operates using carefully recreated technologies of the 19th century. Before the revolution, the last pastila factory in the city

Памятник Дмитрию Донскому

Monument to Dmitry Donskoy

This majestic monument next to the Kremlin appeared at the beginning of the 21st century. The place was not chosen by chance, it was from here that the army went

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